Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pull-up rig assemble!

Yesterday I put up the pull-up rig, primed it and now it is ready for a coat of paint. It is a little bit cluttered in the garage right now since I also got a couple white boards that I need to clear some wall space. So please be patient, I am cleaning the place up as I have time…

Yesterday we had a our first friend brought in to try out Cannon SC. Sal brought in her friend Karla and she did great, I am pretty sure she pulled more weight than she thought she would doing dead-lifts. Great work Karla!

This brings to light the free intro, bring a friend and they can try their first workout for free.

Carrie pulled a 165 lb dead-lift. She thought it was heavy at 115 lbs but just kept stepping up to the bar! Great work Carrie!

Today everyone is going to test their baseline; I would like to see everyone do a baseline by the end of next week. 

For Time;
KB swings 

Monday, March 28, 2011

CFK pullup rig is on the trailer! It will be at my house when I get home!

Well folks, it will be set up as fast as I can. the Crossfit Kelowna pull-up rig that is. Pretty stoked we are going to crush some pull-ups! I just need to paint it up so it doesn't rust out on up and it will be ready to rock! I know this post is horribly broken but I am just so excited about the rig!

Run 800m
60 kb swings
60 Squats (plate over head)
60 Dips / Push-ups
Run 800m

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ok, We have lots of Steel in the garage, lets get stronger!

Well, I think I have finally acquired enough  steel so that everyone can max out anything they try, so here we go. I want everyone to set at least one goal to hit by the end of April! Tell me what your goal is, and we will make it happen.

Three Rounds for time of
Run 400m
20 KB swings
10 Dips

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ivar Squating in the Garage!

Ivar and the squat rack he built!

Great job on the total everyone. There will be no class today as it is Carries birthday! In other news it sounds like I will be able to pick up the old CFK pullup rig on Monday, cross your fingers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ivar Rules!

Ivar built a squat rack that we can keep at my garage. So... I think it must be time to hit a CrossFit Total! I love strength day! It will be a blast, I think we will probably crush a 500m row as well, since I have a beautiful C2 rower sitting in the garage now! Sounds like fun right!

 PR your 500m row, then

CrossFit Total!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Carrie's Birthday

 Just wanted to get this out early in the week, probably should have posted it last week... There will be no class on Wednesday as it is Carrie's Birthday! Sorry for the inconvenience, I will try to post a home workout so that you can get a workout in if you need to.

I will post today's workout later today!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Games 2011

The CrossFit Games have started; the open competition is in full swing! If anyone wants to do the workout at the garage let me know and we will make it happen. I can record it with my camera if you want it to count for the open competition as well. The only issue is that anyone that wants to do it I will only run one person through at a time so I can count reps and ensure standards. Plus I only have one bar…


21 – 15 - 9
Jumping squats

In other news, more equipment is coming by the day! Today I received my gymnastic rings. Tomorrow our good friend Mike is dropping off my C2 Rower! Yes you read that correct, the garage is going to have a C2! Keep letting me know when you are coming in for your beat downs everyone it is nice to plan for the # of people.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Photostream Posted

What a great turnout we had on Tueasday! Great job everyone! Yesterday was just John and Carrie, but with fewer people I can really push everyone to move.. Faster... So I pulled out the old steel cable, and john pulled that around a few times, I thought he was going to punch me in the face when I made him do his third pull with that huge heavy cable... But he didn't. Carrie did some farmer walks, since the cable was a bit heavy for her yet. Yay for special implement drags...

Sorry I didn't get a post up yesterday, but just didn't have the time. Today I posted a photo stream, hopefully I remeber to take pictures all the time, then they will be posted there. Today sounds like it will be another busy one.

Todays WOD
2 rounds of:
1 min - squats (for reps)
Rest 30 sec
1 min - kb snatch (for reps)
Rest 30 sec
1 min - db thrusters (for reps)
Rest 30 sec
1 min - Burpees (for reps)
Rest 30 sec

Post reps in comments!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Busy Night Tonight

Well looks like it will be another busy one in the garage. So we are going to make it really easy, today's wod is going to be Annie! In other news, I plan to post lots of pictures on here but my card reader seems to be missing in action, so I will post pictures as soon as I locate the missing card reader.  How many visits are we going to see from my old pal Pukie tonight? I love high rep sit-ups!

Double Unders

Monday, March 7, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

First big group class

First group beat down was a hit. It was great having everyone at the house, and it was awesome to see all the interest in my garage gym.

AMRAP 12 min
400m Run
20 Burpees

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rest Day

Sleep in a dark room! All day, don't move! haha right, but do sleep in a dark room. it's good for you!

In other news, it sounds like I have a good crowed for Saturday, I better get on building stuff!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yay Burpees!

Todays WOD
KB Swings

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Skipping and sit-ups, sounds easy right?

The first Day in the garage went off without a hitch. I have a bit of organizing to do... But all in all it worked out great. Carrie did awesome, and definitely set a standard for herself. It was my first running baseline as well, and I did not to bad.
Todays Wod will be, For time: