Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rope Climbing & POSE Method, Random Thoughts...

Ivar and Danielle were the first to play with the ropes in a WOD

That was fun yesterday, I think I will have to try braiding a long rope next time!

Before I forget to mention this, next week I am busy Monday and Tuesday night, so hopefully you can work around that... maybe I will plan a workout on Friday so that people can make up missed days. More to follow on that though.

Yesterday I was looking around for shoes, nice thin sole shoes and got to thinking... I am personally going to start working on my POSE running. For those who don't know what POSE running is, I plan to jump two feet into learning how to do it properly, and how to teach it properly. So bare with me as I learn and it should help prevent running injuries, and turn you into a faster more efficient runner. Buying a good pair of thin sole shoes will help prevent heal striking (because it hurts...) and will give good reason to learn the POSE method of running. So do it!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

T-shirt Order

Hi guys and gals, just wanted to let everyone know I will be doing a T-shirt order at the end of this week. So if you want a Cannon Strength & Conditioning shirt. let me know your size, they are $20 each.

Looks like it might be an inside day today. I will plan for inside with the option of an outside workout if the weather cooperates.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cannon Strength and Conditioning


Adrian Finishing up his baseline!

Sorry For the lack of posts, I've been a bit busy.

I keep posting pictures,  so check them out.

Last night I made everyone crush "Helen" she pushed back, but I think we got the better of her this round.

I haven't been posting workouts simply because I have been trying to run as many people through the same workout as possible.

I want everyone to get more bendy, watch some K-Star videos and try out what he says. Check out

Monday, April 4, 2011

No Class tonight!

 Carries 145lb dead lift, she went on to lift 165lbs for a huge PR!

No class tonight, if you come to the garage, I won't be there. If you want you can run some 400m repeats and do 100 burpees in my driveway. If that is what you need to do. 

Sorry for any inconvenience. I did not anticipate anyone showing up today so we made other plans.

New photos uploaded--->