Saturday, January 26, 2013

5050 Burpee Challenge

Hi all, as promised, here is the layout for the 100 day Burpee Challenge. For our challenge it will be called the "5050 Burpee Challenge". We will start on Feb 1st! This challenge will have a different layout than the way my CrossFit Kelowna friends did theirs. We will keep a continuous burpee count. All burpees completed in the 100 days count, and your end total will be 5050 in 100 days. You can do as many or as few per day as you like. So long as end with 5050 burpees. The simplest method would be to do 51 burpees per day for 99 days, then  on day 100 do one perfect burpee to complete the challenge. 

We will start on Feb 1st and Finish May 11

This challenge is for fun, and all you will get in return is the satisfaction that you accomplished 5050 burpees in 100 days. Please don't do these burpees for time every day, as it is likely your form will fall apart and you are likely to hurt yourself. We aren't looking to blow up shoulders, bruise knees or puke... This challenge is to improve your form, increase your efficiency and to help us all feel ready to do burpees.

For those of you that somehow managed to read through all that while not knowing what a burpee is... Here you go. 

Please work to improve your form, after all this challenge isn't just to beat you up. Check out the following video from Carl Paoli. I have also added some links as well to help give you some ideas to improve your burpees.

Burpee Skill Transfer pt 1 Gwod
Burpee Skill Transfer pt 2 Gwod
Burpee Skill Transfer pt 3 Gwod
Burpee Skill Transfer pt 4 Gwod
Burpee Skill Transfer pt 5 Gwod
Burpee Skill Transfer pt 6 Gwod

Now make a plan and stick to it. My plan is to do 5 sets of 10 throughout the day each day. The original method for this was to do a ladder, each day completing one more burpee than the day before. Day one, one burpee, day two, two burpees.. and so on. You could do it this way if you choose, but it creates a large volume of burpees in the end and creates a possibility of over-training. Another smart option would be 3 days on 2 days off. this would allow for a recovery period, but would up you volume per day to 85...

Please comment and let us know that you are going to be completing the challenge with us. And let us know what your plan is, it may help someone else get through the challenge. Keep motivated and hit those burpees every day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Holiday Update

The lead up to the holidays, I wasn't eating very good, I'm still not... I'm gaining weight, but with weight come strength. I recently pulled a 505lb deadlift... For a triple, My previous 1RM was 507.5lbs. I'm pretty pumped on this. So I figured I would put it out there and pat myself on the back a little. 

As per my previous post the NEW CANNON STRENGTH & CONDITIONING shirts are ready to be purchased. So, me being my biggest fan, I purchased a few shirts for my family, and myself. So here they are!

For Xmas my wife mentioned that she wanted to go to CrossFit again. Yes, I am CF-L1 certified CrossFit coach. No I cannot coach my wife, she doesn't listen to me and she thinks I am too hard on her. So I got her a gift certificate, to get her going at Bodyshop CrossFit. I highly recommend this CrossFit gym. 

I want everyone to start thinking New Yeas Resolution! Something with a clear goal that is attainable. We will be getting strict with our diet at home, especially with my wife starting CrossFit. My goals will be strength related and will finish in March maybe, I will post the goal on my next post along with my progress. I predict it will be something like Deadlift 560lbs, Squat 400lbs, Jerk 280lbs.