Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Four Animal Stew And a Poor Training Day

 The two subjects in the title are not related.

I figured I would tell everyone about my four animal stew.(Paleo Dish Elk Stew Recipe modified with acouple extra animals....) I replace the Elk with Moose and Buffalo (simply because I didn't have any Elk left), and I used Beef and Chicken broth. Hence the name.

Training today sucked... Feeling a little discouraged, but give me a minute and I will get over myself. Got interrupted just as I got strapped into the rower. that took 20min. So by the time I rot my row started I decided to skip heavy squats. My row was alright 1.37.3 (500m) for a good warmup. Did a quick 30 air squats to grease the joints up a bit. Got into bench, failed hard on my first work set. 3/5 at 205lbs, week sauce. So I pealed my belt off and stomped out in a rage. Oh, that's my minute, I'm done!

I mentioned that the stew didn't cause my poor training. however I am pretty sure the giant chunk of apple crumble, and three huge scoops of ice cream may have had something to do with it.

Diet today is better so far today, although I haven't thought about dinner. Breakfast 4 hard boiled n3 eggs. lunch giant bowl of four animal stew as I type. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gluten, allergy, sensitivity, intolerance, autoimmunity

The most basic Paleo Diet recommendation is the removal of gluten. But did you know that gluten sensitivity goes well beyond the digestive tract? Dr. O’Bryan reveals the latest research on how gluten consumption may lead to autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, and muscle pain without digestive symptoms.

Listen to this! 

Great info, easy to understand!

Check out his personal website here

Monday, February 27, 2012

A new direction...

My current thought is that I will try and keep my posts to my personal experiences. I keep trying to write articles that are intelligent and and coherent; while teaching you, the reader about something important. Since my writing skills are neither intelligent nor coherent; I will point you to what I have learned, from were I learned it. Now I listen to a ton of podcasts, A lot of which would probably put the not so interested to sleep, but if you can read my blog without falling asleep you should be okay. My training knowledge, started with CrossFit, but has been evolving with my coaching and my personal training. Most training links I give you will reflect this.

You will notice I posted "nutrition" related links on the right. I think I may also post training related links as well, but one step at a time. Look for those in the next week or so.

Today's ramblings are from my personal training.

 I have been following a novice strength program to get my strength to were is needs to be, but I have been running out of time. I do my workouts on my lunch hour, and as the weights get heavier and recovery time increases I am running out of time. Next week I will change my programming from a three day ABA, BAB workout to a 3 day ABC style workout.  

My current program looks like;

A: Squat, 5 reps x 3 sets; Bench 5 reps x 3 set; Deadlift 5 reps x 1 set.
B: Squat, 5 reps x 3 sets; Press 5 reps x 3 set; Power Clean 3 reps x 5 sets

Next week will look like;

Monday                           Reps                       Sets
Squat                                5                               3
Deadlift                             5                               1

Power Clean                    3                               5      
Bench Press                    5                               3      

Front Squat                      5                               3
Press                                5                               3

Note: These are work sets, always warm up to your work sets. 

This is still a novice training program, I will have to adapt it further once I max out on a novice level. Intermediate programing will be planned on a monthly schedule.

Currently I am listening to presentations on Paleo Summit, which is a Free online event brought to you by Underground Wellness. Check it out, let me know what you think.